Small Boutique Coffee Brand - Boulder, CO

Single Tank 3 Chemical CIP Skid

A client reached a point in their process development that they had enough process piping and cleaning labor to justify a CIP system. With limited capital we were able to provide them a CIP skid that controlled water temperature and dosing of chemicals. The system was built with a data collection device allowing them to monitor temperature and conductivity over time in order to provide data in the event of a quality audit. This system was designed to be agile and scalable to adhere to any flow monitoring needs in the future if necessary through more strict audits.

Equipment sourcing & change parts design, manufacture, & implementation

A client wanted to bring their bottling process in-house as they were losing a lot of glass and product through their previous copacker. LP provided them with cost-effective bottling equipment by re-designing wine bottling machines into 220mL bottling machines. Machines initially included a rinser and filler and were later expanded into a line with an integrated unloading conveyor through the rinser, filler, and later purchased encapsulator. The process design through the conveyor assembly and machine interlocks were all performed by LP. In addition to the process design and build, LP has been a maintenance resource to the client until they could find and train their permanent staff.  Further, LP has also aided this client in their ongoing R&D efforts, including novel process design, vessel design, and procurement.

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